

Calling a holy assembly to unite, seek God’s face and to bring healing to His church in Europe

During her pregnancy, Jesus spoke to Bonnie Chavda several times. The baby in her womb didn’t have a heartbeat and Bonnie’s body was having sever difficulties nurturing the child. Finally surgery was necessary but doctors told her the child in her womb would not survive. At that moment Jesus spoke to her:

“Your child will live and you shall all him Aaron! This will be a prophetic sign that I will bring healing to My church in Europe, even when it seems hopeless!”

Aaron was born 39 years ago and we belive the time of the prophecies fullfilment has come.

This is the miracle God is going to do in Europe. He is going to heal and empower the church in Europe for such a time as this. We will see miracles like never before and an unprecedented harvest will come into healthy churches.

Our dream is that God would heal His church in Europe. This will be to honor Jesus the King and it will be to prepare for the great harvest that is about to come in. We dream of healthy places of worship, the presence of God being manifest and miracles to break out.

In 2 Chronicles 30:12 we see, that “the hand of God was on Judah to give them singleness of heart to obey the command of the king and the leaders, at the word of the Lord”. This happens during the reign of king Hezekiah, who assembled all of Israel to celebrate Passover. A feast to remind them who they were and who their God is to unite the people once again. From this unity we see in v. 20 that “the Lord listened to Hezekia and healed the people”.

So the mission of this event is to come into unity amongst leaders and Christians from all over Europe and to corportaly submit ot the will of God.

We want to align ourselves with HIS plan

We want to worship him in spirit and in truth

We want to hear prophetic declarations and acts upon God’s word

We want to see the Kingdom of Heaven come

We want to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven

Ever since the Chavdas received this word they have a burning heart to see Europe being healed and brought into the arms of Jesus. For decades they have been in ministry serving the body of Christ in the earth and especially in Europe. They will be the leading ministers of Convocation 24.

We are still waiting on medical clearance for Mahesh to fly intercontinentally, but we are confident things will work out in the end.

Apart from the Chavdas we have a whole team that supports and runs this event. We are fortunate enough to work with people from all over Europe and beyond. Find all the information after clicking the button.

This event is for everybody who is longing for an awakening in their country and in Europe. If you believe God wants to pour out His spirit on the nations of Europe we would love to worship the Lord with you and seek His will in this hour.

Apart from the meetings that are open to all we will also have meetings especially for leaders in church.

So come prepared to step in and experience His presence and be a carrier of His will for His people.